〰 Wavemaker
This illustrates how waves (like water waves) emerge from particles oscillating in place. Move your mouse to direct the wave.
Adapted from this p5 example.
import P5 from "$lib/P5.svelte";
const sketch = (p5) => {
let t = 0; // time variable
p5.setup = () => {
p5.createCanvas(865, 400);
p5.draw = () => {
p5.background(10, 10); // translucent background (creates trails)
// make a x and y grid of ellipses
for (let x = 0; x <= p5.width; x = x + 30) {
for (let y = 0; y <= p5.height; y = y + 30) {
// starting point of each circle depends on mouse position
const xAngle = p5.map(p5.mouseX, 0, p5.width, -4 * p5.PI, 4 * p5.PI, true);
const yAngle = p5.map(p5.mouseY, 0, p5.height, -4 * p5.PI, 4 * p5.PI, true);
// and also varies based on the particle's location
const angle = xAngle * (x / p5.width) + yAngle * (y / p5.height);
// each particle moves in a circle
const myX = x + 20 * p5.cos(2 * p5.PI * t + angle);
const myY = y + 20 * p5.sin(2 * p5.PI * t + angle);
p5.ellipse(myX, myY, 5); // draw particle
t = t + 0.005; // update time
<P5 {sketch} />